Car rider headache? Carline Hound will help.

Car rider headache? Carline Hound will help.


Your car line dismissal solution starts here with a FREE 30 day trial

Simply choose your device

Carline Hound car rider app dual view
Carline Hound car rider app dual view

We can solve your car rider headache. Join hundreds of other schools in the easy lane.

Carline Hound is an easy, safe, and inexpensive way to reduce your car line dismissal time.

Car Rider Dismissal Chaos, Something Has Got to Give.

Carline dismissal problems are not going away.  There are over 30 million kids being transported to school every day it seems impossible for schools, administrators and local authorities to keep up with demand. Resources are limited, parents are frustrated, idling cars are polluting the air, and neighbors are annoyed that they can’t even pull out of their driveways with all the congestion.  We’ve got a great way to ease the frustration and chaos.

Carline Hound car rider app traffic
Carline Hound car rider app single view

Meet Carline Hound, Your Car Rider Solution

The app is the brain child of a fellow parent and engineer who understands your frustration and just couldn’t take it anymore!  Something had to change. So, with just one subscription per school, this affordable tool will turn the car line nightmare into an easy breezy experience and you can focus on spending your time doing other things. Because of this, everyone will be less stressed out knowing that there is control and order when they go to pick up their children.

Laura Y
Laura Y
Fulshear, TX
What a great app! It makes our car rider line run smooth and quick.
Jackie R
Jackie R
Avon, IN
We love Carline Hound!
Aya P
Aya P
Atlanta, GA
Carline Hound has reduced our car rider line time tremendously.
Apple App Store
This will be our 3rd school year to use this App on our campus. The support staff has been very helpful with any issues that may arise. If you or your campus are looking to make your carline dismissal process run smoother, look no more!!

Frequently Asked Questions about Carline Hound

Carline Hound is available to all of your teachers and staff under one subscription.  However, it is not intended for use by parents.

No.  There is no equipment required except for the devices you already own.  Carline Hound operates on iOS, Android, and inside of any web browser.

Absolutely!  The app is available inside a web browser.  Any device you can view a webpage on, you can operate Carline Hound from.

All rider tag numbers can be uploaded in bulk from an Excel spreadsheet.  Alternately, single rider tags can be added, removed, or edited from within the app.

Definitely.  Simply ask for a quote here, and we can start the purchase order process with your school.  

You bet!  Try the app for 30 days with no obligation.  It is fully functional during this time with no restrictions.  If you need more time than this, just let us know.

Totally!  With practice, our schools usually see a 30-40% decrease in the time it takes to dismiss students and get cars out of line.  This is compared to using walkie talkies and Google Sheets.

Yes!  As long as both dismissal lines are on the same campus.  We do not allow separate campuses to share a subscription.

No.  Carline Hound is a tool for school’s to streamline their pick up lines.  We do not provide rides or pick up service.


Carline Hound car rider app in a line

Want to get some information on Carline Hound?


No more loud megaphones and scratchy walkie talkies. Instead, everyone is assigned a role and works together efficiently to help facilitate carpool with a simple app.


With Carline Hound, everyone is accounted for, and there is no confusion as to which vehicles in the car line are picking up each student.


One affordable subscription to the Carline Hound app, everyone will have a more predictable schedule and teachers can keep the cars moving in an organized fashion.


Imagine a world where you actually can feel proud of how well car line dismissal goes at your school without all the stress and anxiety it usually brings.

The car rider solution with Carline Hound

Easy as 1-2-3

Manage school dismissal with THREE roles

Carline Hound car rider app line sketch


This is the person in charge of entering the cars in order. Using the Carline Hound phone app, this person will walk down the car rider line and enter the hang tag numbers in order of their arrival.


Your line marshal gathers each group of kids and dismissed them to their cars. Once the current group is finished, the app automatically shows the next dismissal group.


All information submitted by the Line Walker is shown on a large display in the main assembly area. Here you can begin to organize the kids in groups and prepare them for dismissal.


Only one subscription is required per school.


Billed through App Stores
$ 33 Monthly
  • All Features Active
  • Available only through the App Stores
  • Renews automatically


Saves 30% vs Monthly!
$ 299 Yearly
  • All Features Active
  • Available through the App Stores
  • Invoicing for check or credit cards
  • We accept Purchase Orders!

Need a quote for Carline Hound?

We are a tool for schools to assist with their car rider pickup line.  We are not a ride share or pickup service.

Carline Hound
2600 South Shore Harbor Dr Ste 300
League City, TX 77573
(979) 217-1234